I thought it a summer twilight,
this green pool of light,
flowers brightly swimming
and all alight, a snail kiss
the skin caught dipping,
some day-curved tripper
worn muddy, who made nudists
frolic in a frog-dipped oasis
bees dizzy in a hum spinning
a broken twig for a drum
noised drone in trusty tune
and perfumed herbs
from potted moons.
No charge for bird-bath covered
gatecrashing parties of sparrows
mid-flight, and fighting mynahs
incredible cackle
an incredible waffle.
It may not have been Goa
nor the garden gate
where birdling caterers
- with tasty insect crates
here in the arabian oasis,
where a shy hedgehog hides
as sly as i spy and pry -
A Certain Garden Spoke
"Strange it is how a fountain
of images, like the rush of a comet.
rocket from the bottom of our
imagination, as if never it lay
burrowed; but were having us on
as a lark."
And then like children
into a garden, we ran
forgotten in its lost
golden sand and search
for toy, book, or friend
where once we missed
the straggly end
of a tired meadow below:
this show suddenly still.
pretty and hoping
for darkness to shroud
its talons around us
like a curtain of mist
and graciously surrender
that which we shoulder
in tearaway affection.
Blissful our garden
as you follow its echo
"Come in, come in",
our garden says
"Back to your honeyed
days and all raisin-ed
for a party.."
..where already, our
hands wait to catch
the rusted knob once
more: will remember how
to bow light-sorrow, dust
from the hollow of a vast
sea of many books looking
safe as yummy tea and
pluck a sad flower-stalk
rooting beneath the bower
oak. ~
Susan Abraham
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
O Amergin swirl:
Tír na nÓg: all
knowing power: otherworldly force:
Segias: grind hazel nuts to knowledge: swill
pour in the cauldron straight sound: verse Noaks: switch
wit: light up the cast of love as night falls -
Albard, Dawn and John – they who all
comedy tossers yearning to score
bulls-eye every arrow throw straight for. Light
of craic, twinkle; glitter in the well: find
what joke will laugh Blue Peter real, arrive
weave art
and cut this daft dream
in a cloth of one liner: stitch the breeze
quip; nail John’s breath on paper to breathe
consciously at titter, jape or guffaw
gushing with free flow in the debacle.
Froth an episode, brim over and fall
the way wind blows when a turtle dove
cooing flies from the mind of a bard,
shifts shape to a circus clown tamer and bawls
"Hey you
funny farm gob slops
light-heart bores
free druid-pawns and playthings of love: wish
only for permanent triples on boards
your sticks hit giggling bulls and thud in
double top all day long to tickle love
from the stream of gags flowing between you".
Come lah
bull minstrel clown, mimic speech through
scrumping fruit beyond the comedic eye
where flow master of ceremonies - Noaks
fellow and one time action man show
"When it was Blue Peter,
not like it is now
with kids
who don’t know what they're doing".
Circus slop swishing spray tame sea
motion smooth a stir of whirling liquid
through splatter massed splodges of telly:
tilt the lingo; flutter dovely music
flap, ruffle, spread your wings and limbs
crawl, soar free and jangle from his dome
"...with real papier mache; not like it
is now, the microwave stuff you scramble to life through
Whack out licks
that lived then
and live now:
"...I was jumping out of a plane one week
sticking empty bog rolls together the next
dashing round the studio after elephant waste
and mucking in. Star of the whole hoo ha..."
before kids replaced you
and juiced up the models
" can’t put a price on..."
from buckaroo centres where tiddley-winks
still hold, reckoning their toggable taggle
and balancing laughter you and your colleagues
had when at giggle
peck this needle from the shiny gutter
commune with our entourage of party fawns
living le joi de vie.
become a pigeon
hint of a scuffle at heaven’s gate.
Tír na nÓg: all
knowing power: otherworldly force:
Segias: grind hazel nuts to knowledge: swill
pour in the cauldron straight sound: verse Noaks: switch
wit: light up the cast of love as night falls -
Albard, Dawn and John – they who all
comedy tossers yearning to score
bulls-eye every arrow throw straight for. Light
of craic, twinkle; glitter in the well: find
what joke will laugh Blue Peter real, arrive
weave art
and cut this daft dream
in a cloth of one liner: stitch the breeze
quip; nail John’s breath on paper to breathe
consciously at titter, jape or guffaw
gushing with free flow in the debacle.
Froth an episode, brim over and fall
the way wind blows when a turtle dove
cooing flies from the mind of a bard,
shifts shape to a circus clown tamer and bawls
"Hey you
funny farm gob slops
light-heart bores
free druid-pawns and playthings of love: wish
only for permanent triples on boards
your sticks hit giggling bulls and thud in
double top all day long to tickle love
from the stream of gags flowing between you".
Come lah
bull minstrel clown, mimic speech through
scrumping fruit beyond the comedic eye
where flow master of ceremonies - Noaks
fellow and one time action man show
"When it was Blue Peter,
not like it is now
with kids
who don’t know what they're doing".
Circus slop swishing spray tame sea
motion smooth a stir of whirling liquid
through splatter massed splodges of telly:
tilt the lingo; flutter dovely music
flap, ruffle, spread your wings and limbs
crawl, soar free and jangle from his dome
"...with real papier mache; not like it
is now, the microwave stuff you scramble to life through
Whack out licks
that lived then
and live now:
"...I was jumping out of a plane one week
sticking empty bog rolls together the next
dashing round the studio after elephant waste
and mucking in. Star of the whole hoo ha..."
before kids replaced you
and juiced up the models
" can’t put a price on..."
from buckaroo centres where tiddley-winks
still hold, reckoning their toggable taggle
and balancing laughter you and your colleagues
had when at giggle
peck this needle from the shiny gutter
commune with our entourage of party fawns
living le joi de vie.
become a pigeon
hint of a scuffle at heaven’s gate.
Monday, April 07, 2008
The constant rolling dice that never fall
stack up the chips of our existence
and some days we’re so lucky
- the search seeming easy with reward
with blessings in abundance -
we forget the golden rule
that everything’s decided in between
the heartbeat of the moment.
That reality is one long gamble
with final odds fixed by divine order
of old gods;
and seizing for knowledge one will
never fully grasp, yields understanding
like those clocks ticking in the heavens
yield an understanding
of when the time is right to wake us
for a brief spell by their measured call
before dissolving as if by magic
in the blinking of an eye
the constant rolling dice that never fall
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