Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I love her for her largess, her warmth of spending and to be honest, am immensely attracted to her hair. You can tell a lot about people by their hair, and I think it says so many good things about her

mary mary jackanbairy let me be your doley pal
sweary sweary hates your barnet
your gorgeous locks
fine, fuller figure
of a lady who shops
in marks and spencers
not Lidl

mary my manly-bag
of sheer female
politically astute maidenhood
i love you mary mary

put the fix in
pull some strings
get me a bed
nurses and a game of twister
jack daniels, coke and GHB party-poppers,
berties daughters
dozy rozy, chris de burgh's daughter

nanny, missus, ronan, keith, orville, daniel
majella and the corrs can come with paddy
plastered clutching an envelope

bung in the best of red hurley
wind the ipod on, deja vu, i have a poster
blown up of you mary

don't let sweary troll or flame us
as we contort, the force of physical love
crackling, static of lust and passion turning us
on as we twist with the nurses
before my transplant and extension
tadpole to whopper,
new heart and liver

then we can be as one my mary, mary swervy
wervy go go get me a bed.

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