Thursday, January 25, 2007

I, Homo Bonobo Mor?

"The Bonobo Congo Pygmy Chimp does not form permanent relationships with individual partners. They also do not seem to discriminate in their sexual behavior by gender or age."


Ready, get set - so go conscious and great up an ineffable
utterance mouthing in a General Hotel where two
strangers found love with each other this evening
eloquent creature who fleets as mister and mistress
dogging your bit for national love - all hope of seeing
you live abandoned as a Homo spirit took possession
of Virgil's IQ on the motorway, the night pit-lips
pulled up and tongued Virge's voice to Mnemosyn
who'll speak at Write and Recite, next week, Tuesday
Cassidy's pub - Westmoreland Street - ask an ear
if art in actuality's hear.

“lash it out wha?”

Debauch and swing on a raw seat at the counter-misogynist
orgy in vocal, public riot - duel execute light fool
board crank positive energy click, spell - hear what
happens online galactic commandress attending VIP
booth in a business dream-suite where loners long as one
swept in Tuesday night of therapy.

"D'yer gerri?"

Yo new god just come out she knew he was a moaner, but last
night made a show of singing the self penned song of desolate
lyrical beauty look effortless the sixth time he professed in
public session as a witness of reward who came foward
reading heaven from time's earlier utterance of joy
balanced light, proclaiming back the is in Write and Recite as it
rages- WaR - Dublin’s most poetically occupied theatre of
competent verbal combat and practice, one's vibrant under
mesh less rigidly warped by top brass who simply murmur
and tinkle in Cassidy's gaffe. One’s fluid front line of faith and
powder god-bombs blowing a cannon listen, speak, learn and
commandeer there a supply of live-time in the vocal support
pack of HQ’s atmospheric line leader and rally his cry of
command to commando of verse operative word
the song sibling sings an alternative matriarchal "Yo" Mor

“Bantu O bono Bolobo ancestor Bonobo”

You too's 99% Homo Sapien gene, Congo pygmy chimp Bonobo. What set it to permanent bonking's unknown but you cross the line of - WaR - public place of song, sup slops till yiv sung no more - during the course of composing this missive Dear Nora, Homo Sapien near Bonobo blossom in a cultural hot house sotto la spotlight with pals who poesy at the longest running generally continuous contemporary open mic, O space-agent et tu homo Bonobo? Tuesday night’s career in overload docked but inner city at the root orbit of Cassidy’s beating heart O Amergin, Eriu and Bonolo eclectically mixed - four years of competitive commune - addictive gods binding live through fields of weekly literate action. Spread not Bonobo the Appollo one balding ancestor war vibe, but map the Hazel and route with nine nutty daughters unite and ask the island factions who glare not to answer the question

"Homo O’Homer be here con tu O Bonobo?"

WaR no more troglodyte, little homo walk upright and toss in egalitarian gait, cultural chimp constantly at it O Bonobo matriarch of monkey love round Bololo river Congo O Harold Coolidge homo Sapien know WaR in Bonobo is absent, society balanced by orgy as Bonobo make constant love not war. Homo is ear Homer Bonobo Mor; factual distraction at the bacchanalian free fall, face-test in a bathroom clutching the razor shading Hewson or Houseman - phantasmagorist O Bonobo, starch poetic illusion - reality of neck hair bristling at the behest of Homo linguistic sorcerer bono be one of Bonobo yew's in stark illustrative prose, call Homer back and manner what measured goat-stitch will keep at the edge of invention to scribe the fantasy house man and linguistic roller coaster, yews rocket along a single quivering ride, playmate composing the skein-thick sense abandoned opposite Homer's thin scan of Homo's poetic page life in the house at gas public when the start of last century wrote in Bonobo Mor verse - now alas - selectively practiced due to ultra shocking literacy rates – less if his tongue sprung a fresh line, found her habit of stress and ditched what's old overboard, cast oft soft babbling viva voce singing ancestoral Bantu Bonolo and Congo of Bonobo eye from ancestor ghost Sapien Homer - literate fellow Homo Bonobo Mor, tongue mistress utter he be

Layer of syntax Pan Sapien, ear pluck of O absent tunesmith up the oracle at work in celestial string, tug on homo humanity, dress proof in a glimmer slit - beauty deaf to time and profess poetic reality as this gob, smacked on a voice-rail unable - quantity songstress of immense talent - to convey what scale your gift counters O pan galactic age-bud of Euro amour in sight of Bonobo command at work blare ear O career once more who score the deed of verbal gods and breathe solo, island queen of memory.

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